Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Romans 1- God's Grace by Faith is Good (the other option isn't)!

Paul is excited about how life from faith to faith makes a difference for people everywhere. We catch his excitement in verses 1-17. He knows he has a good thing to offer others, both to Jews and Gentiles, believers and unbelievers. The good news is that life can and should be lived effectively.

In fact, the rebellion that makes God angry in verse 18 is because righteousness is supressed even though it actually offers a better life. The sad story of how people distort their idea of God to that which they can control ends with them being perverted and wanting others to join them in perversion. The good news is that people don't have to live like that. If by faith they trust God to be who he reveals himself to be (in nature, conscience and Scripture) they can live a satisfying and joyful life that is right.

Studying the Letter to the Romans Together

Hi Church! This blog will be available for us to reinforce some of what we are learning as we study through Romans in our worship time. Our goal is to help us all live effectively by faith. We want to trust God in such ways that we keep in step with the Spirit and leave transformed lives with renewed minds.